The Dirty Dozen Tax Scams

Pesticides on produce aren’t the worst kind of dirty dozen you need to be aware of. The IRS is focusing on twelve popular scams that they’ve branded The Dirty Dozen. Journal of Accountancy explored the full list, and we’re sharing here what you need to know about each...

What You Need to Know If You Win the Powerball

We’re now looking at an approximately $1.4 billion prize for the national Powerball, and as more people jump into the pool that number keeps going up. If you’re buying tickets, AICPA offers a plan to help you manage your prize if you win. But first, Salon reminds us...

Tax Season Opens January 19th

Yes, it’s that time of year again. The IRS announced last week that the 2016 tax season will begin as scheduled on Tuesday, January 19. They’ll begin accepting both individual electronic returns and paper returns that day. The IRS expects to receive more than 150...