by GruffyGoat Team | Apr 11, 2016 | Affordable Care Act, Small Business
Most of the ACA’s requirements only affect employers with over 50 full-time employees. But the IRS recently reminded employers that if you have close to 50 full-time (or equivalent) employees, or if your workforce size fluctuates during the year, you should take care...
by GruffyGoat Team | Dec 28, 2015 | Affordable Care Act, Taxes
Shortly before the Christmas holiday, Congress passed a bill extending a long list of expired tax provisions — some permanently, some for five years, and many for two years.The Journal of Accountancy published the details in an article explaining all that’s in the...
by GruffyGoat Team | Dec 9, 2015 | Affordable Care Act
You may have heard that the majority of the provisions in the Affordable Care Act don’t apply to employers who have 50 or fewer employees—and that’s correct. 95% of employers are not subject to the employer shared responsibility provision. However, there are a few...
by GruffyGoat Team | Sep 21, 2015 | Affordable Care Act
Under the Affordable Care Act, companies who employ 50 or more full-time employees (or their equivalents) are subject to the employer shared responsibilities provision in the law. A recent addition of the IRS’s Tax Tips discussed the implications of this...