
The Measure of Wealth is Changing

How do you define prosperity? In the past, as far back as the economic theory of John Locke, wealth was measured by land ownership. The term “real estate” came into use because land was regarded as more valuable than merchant estates, which consisted...

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Audits are Down, Tax Evasion is Up

If you have an audit-phobia, there’s good news for you: data shows that the IRS budget cuts have resulted in significantly fewer audits for most taxpayers. (In fact, the average taxpayer’s chances of being audited have fallen 23% over the last...

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The 8 Nightmare Clients

This year’s tax season is on the books! We’ve still got a few extensions out there, but the worst is over, and we’re thankful for another great season with our clients. We recently came across a funny article categorizing the 8 worst...

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